Sunday, October 25, 2009

Legitimate Santa Ana Wind

I say legitimate because I am experiencing it. Left for home from South County around 9pm. As I reached Chapman heading north on the 55 in Orange I felt the first blast. Rolled down the windows. Dry, smoky air. Is there already a brush fire burning?

I heard a pretty good song about the Santa Anas by Tom Russell on NPR yesterday morning.

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day of Autumn Weather

The Santa Anas forecast (twice, actually, since my last post) never materialized. At least, where I am. Sure, there was hot, dry weather, fires in Ventura and LA. But we never got that charged northeast breeze and the planes taking off in the other direction at John Wayne.

Today was breezy, cool. Football weather. Full moon this weekend to coincide with the chillier weather and Halloween clouds. I try to hold the note as long as possible.

NPR Subscriptions

8 months later I finally got around to subscribing to my 2 local NPR stations tonight: KCRW at $10/mo and KPCC at $8/mo. It's been years, I regret to say, since I've been a subscribing member.

My only request (beside the obligatory cap and tote bag):

Please send me no more mail. I'm on a continuous subscription. But if I receive any more mail from I will immediately cancel my membership and never renew. If you need to contact me, please email me. Thank you.

As long as they adhere to that one proscription, I'll remain a member indefinitely.